Sunday, February 26, 2012

Homework Due Week 5 Term 1 (Friday 2nd March)

Cup Cakes - can you make any cupcakes or biscuits for us to sell next Thursday for Purple Cake day? If you cannot make any, we will gladly take icing sugar or anything that is appropriate to decorate them with for this day. They need to come into school on Wednesday 29th (Same day at Whenua Iti)

Goal setting - complete page on taking a risk for Thursday

Whenua Iti - this payment is now overdue. Please make contact with me if you ae struggling to pay this

Spelling words (list 2) to be learnt for Tue

Come to school on Tue dressed in purple clothing (remember tobring your school uniform as well)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homework Due Week 4 Term 1 (Friday 24th Feb)

REMEMBER - all work should be written in BLACK pen unless it is numeracy or drawing - these are completed in pencil

*Reply slips for Whenui Iti returned asap - payment ($37) to be made before the trip please
$2 for Elgrego show for Tue
Spelling work to be completed for Friday
Togs to school each Wednesday and Thursday

Bike ride to Tahuna cancelled today due to weather. Postponment date Mon week 6 (7th March)

Mufti day on Thursday - gold coin donation. All proceeds going to Relay for life

Expressive story due on Monday 27th (first line given 'one day while out walking...')

Cup Cakes - can you make any cupcakes or biscuits for us to sell next Thursday for Purple Cake day? If you cannot make any, we will gladly take icing sugar or anything that is appropriate to decorate them with for this day. They need to come into school on Wednesday 29th (Same day at Whenua Iti)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Homework Due Week 3 Term 1 (Friday 17th Feb)

REMEMBER - all work should be written in BLACK pen unless it is numeracy or drawing - these are completed in pencil

* Narrrative story to be written up in draft writing book for Wed - double line spacing...Tile being ' The day I got lost'
* Title page for One Nation, Many Cultures for Friday
*Reply slips for Whenui Iti returned asap - payment ($35) to be made before the trip please

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homework Due Week 2 Term 1 (Friday 10th Feb)

Return replies for Whakatu Day out
Return signatures from parents to indicate they have seen the first class newsletter (this should be glued into the diary)
Return profile sheets
$5 for school diaries
Bike checklist
Discuss sports choices with parents by Thursday
Find out if parents/ancestors were from another country - do you know which city is the closest to their birth place?
Dig out your hats and bring to school ready to use at interval and lunch time
Diaries should be signed by parents/care givers each Friday in preparation to be countersigned by me the following Tue

Return music tuition forms and payment by next Wednesday

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Homework Due Week 1 Term 1 (Friday 3rd Feb)

Return profile sheet
$5 needed for homework diary
ICT forms to be returned